Welcome   to the  Home Page  of  the   


                                                                                                             Lone Star  Pinball  Association


                            Mission includes:

                                  promoting and supporting  the  joy of  playing and collecting  pinball and arcade games,

                                  holding events to showcase     SPAM     and    42    ( the  National Domino Game of Texas ),                                           

                                  maintaining  the  private  collection  of  Dan Ferguson.


                            The collection  consists  of  :

                                                                Pinball Games           -    from the  30’s to the 80’s,

                                                                Arcade  Games         -    from the  50’s to the  70’s,

                                                                Trade Stimulators     -    from the 20’s to the  40’s,

                                                                 Matchbox  Cars       -    from 60’s to  90’s

                                                                 Advertising Items     -    for Texaco, Lone Star Beer  and others.


                              Most of the collection is  on display at a building  ( the museum )  in Hockley, Texas.


                                                                Check it out  :   --   -LSPA-                                 (old page :    peoplepc    )



                             Other   Pinball / Arcade  groups:


                                      Houston :     -HAAG-                                     Dallas   :     - Texas Pinball  -

